Thrive with Alice

The Thrive Programme

The Thrive Programme

Slider 5

Feel Powerful,
In Control

Slider 4 (program page)

Build a strong
mindset and grow
your happiness

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Learn to Thrive

How does it work?

The Thrive Programme is a totally fresh approach to achieving lasting happiness, health, and success. It will teach you how to manage your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs so you can be in control of your life.

Once you can understand how your mind works, then you can learn how to change your thinking, feel more in control and empowered. As you learn to master the techniques and skills to add to your understanding then your life really will start to transform


It is not just another self help guide based on one person’s life changing story. It is based on over 25 years of clinical experience, backed up by 1000’s of research studies and applied in an easy-to-understand way so you can clearly see why you are thinking the way you do and how you can change.

Everyone has the ability to change!

We all have the power to change our situation and to thrive, but unless you are shown how then it is quite likely that you will believe that you are stuck with the way you are and the way you are feeling.


One thing that makes it so powerful is that any change comes from you. With the knowledge and understanding you will learn; also comes the self-insights and the skills you need in order to thrive.


The Thrive Programme will build your self-esteem, your self-efficacy, your confidence, and your psychological foundations. You will very quickly start to feel different, more in control of your life and able to face all of life’s ups and downs.

Working with 8 to 12 year olds!

The Thrive Programme works for anyone of any age, but one age that I think is particularly important (and enjoyable) to work with is the 8 to 12 year olds.


At this stage in life, if children are starting to show signs of being a bit anxious or fearful of certain situations then it can lead to more serious problems, especially as they start to negotiate the uncertainties of secondary school, social media, relationships, exam pressures etc.


With a specific young person’s manual and my help, they can learn very quickly and easily how to manage their thinking, their emotions, feel confident and not be swayed by social pressures. A parent or carer will also get involved and learn about the programme, so they know exactly how to best support their child.

What does thriving look like?

Thriving people are not just resilient; they are positive, feel powerful, confident and happy; they are able to build and manage strong relationships; they embrace challenges and are grateful for what they have – not dwelling on what they don’t have; they are in control of their thoughts and their emotions; they recognise failure as just an opportunity to learn; they have agency.